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Hey lovely friends,

I want to invite you to my NEW YEARS KIRTAN

at Saturday, 12.01.2019

18.00 – 19.30 pm

at the Jaya Yoga Studio in Munich.

Kirtan is referred to as a communal and devotional singing of mantras whose roots go back more than a thousand years to India. Mantra Chanting is a form of Bhakti Yoga (Devotional Yoga) that connects us directly to our heart and thus to our Higher Self. The chants are accompanied by musical instruments such as harmonium, guitar and rhythmic drums, and everyone present is encouraged to co-create a kirtan as an experience through singing, clapping and dancing. It is a wonderful experience that brings us into the new year with great enthusiasm and a joyful expression from the heart.

Costs: 18 euros

Registration: kontakt@jaya-yoga.de


Looking forward to have you sharing your presence and voice.

Love Wanda

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