My Story

Hi, my name is Wanda Badwal. How I came to find myself on the yoga mat is something that still inspires me. I was exposed to meditation and spirituality from an early age on, as I grew up in a very alternative family and I feel I have been guided down this path ever since. In 2008 I moved from Hamburg to Berlin and found a personal refuge and oasis at the Spirit Yoga Studio and my quest to go deeper began in earnest.

In Germany I had trained as a professional musical actress and undertook studies in singing, acting and dancing. This had assisted in launching me onto the media stage and I found myself both in front of and behind the camera. One of my favorite passions is still as a photographer who can capture the essence of a story in a single image.

These times were both testing and trying as what I was putting out was not returned to replenish the deeper craving I had. At times I exceeded my own limits of expectation and energy. I came to know all too well what it means to lose yourself in the external world.

My journey from an external focus to finding a more internal (and surprisingly larger) space was driven by a strong desire to find more depth to my existence and deal with the bigger questions of life. I partook in silent retreats, meditation seminars, Ayurvedic massage training in India and continued to dive into the teachings, philosophy and practice of yoga. Not only as a physical practice, but as a way to live a more sustainable life and become the best version of myself.

I want to share all I have learnt on my journey with other souls who are embarking on their own voyage of self-exploration. What this means for each individual varies greatly but I would love to offer my services to support and enable each person to flourish and connect with the path of the heart.

In gratitude, Wanda

Yoga CV

The Yoga classes I offer are a blend of creative, mindful and loving sequences that are both playfully challenging and spiritually uplifting. I share an alignment based, elegant flow that includes all aspects of a complete practice: asana, pranayama, Shavasana and meditation. Whilst I have a broad range of experience, my strongest abilities lie in Vinyasa Flow, Traditional Hatha Yoga, and meditative practices like Restorative and Yin Yoga. I also infuse elements of music and mantra chanting during my classes.

What I share encompasses my passion for yoga with a sparkling joy of life and always from a space of the heart. I love to inspire people on their way of self-knowledge and awareness with the hope of reinforce in them, their own authentic expression.

My Yoga Education:

  • Embodied Flow YTT: Mind Module ( 100 hrs. ) /2019
  • Embodied Flow YTT: Expression Modul ( 100 hrs. ) /2018
  • Embodied Flow YTT: Body Modul ( 100 hrs. ) with Tara Judelle /2017
  • Vinyasa Krama – The Energetics of Sequencing – Master Training (100 hrs.) with Rod Stryker/ 2017
  • Yin Yoga (50 Hrs.) with Jennifer Raye / 2016
  • Tantric Hatha Yoga: Pranayama, Meditation, Mudra and Mantra (200 hrs. YA) with Octavio Salvado / 2015
  • Fly High Teacher (50 hours YA) / 2015
  • Aerial Yoga (50 hours YA) /2014
  • Pre – and Postnatal Yoga Teacher (100 hours YA ) with Patricia Thielemann /2012
  • Teaching Beginners, Special Basic Training (30 hrs.) with Patricia Thielemann /2012
  • Vinyasa Flow (320 hours Yoga Alliance) in Spirit Yoga Studio Berlin with Patricia Thielemann / 2012

Additional Educations:

  • Reiki I, II / Bali, Ubud 2015
  • Matrix Energy Work Facilitator ( 50 hrs. ) 2012 , Mallorca Spain
  • Diploma Musical Actress – Singing, Acting and Dancing – 3 Years 9 Stage School Hamburg, germany ) 2005 – 2008
  • Ayurvedic Massage Therpist ( 50 hrs. ) India 2005
  • Regular School Education, Abitur in Germany 2005

Attendance of Workshops & Intensives:

  • Mark Witwell
  • Tara Judelle & Scott Lyons
  • Bryan Kest
  • Gurmukh
  • Anna Forrest
  • Carlos Romero
  • Octavio Salvado
  • Dechen Thurman
  • Meghan Currie
Wanda Badwal

My Teaching Experience:

Regular Classes:

  • Tha Studio / Munich , 2019 / 2x Classes per week
  • Patrick Broome Studio/ Munich, 2018 / 5x classes per week
  • Intuitive Flow Ubud, Bali 2017 5x classes per week
  • The Practice (Canggu, Bali): 2015 – 2017 / 9x classes per week
  • Additional Workshops and 3x YTT
  • Radiantly Alive (Ubud, Bali) 2015 / 10 Classes a week
  • Yoga for all Mankind Studio (Berlin, Germany) 2015 / 5 Classes a week
  • Spirit Yoga Studio (Berlin, Germany) 2014 – 2016 / 5 Classes

Yoga Retreats Facilitator:

  • Yoga Easy Allstars Retreat – Germany 2019
  • Choose Evolution – Germany 2019
  • Spirit Bird Retreat – Austria 2018
  • Inner Beauty Retreat – Bali 2017
  • Remember who you are Retreat – Germany June 2017
  • Slow Down Retreat – Germany – June 2016
  • Inner Beauty Retreat – Bali / Ubud 2015
  • Surf & Yoga Retreat – Bali / Nusa Lembongan 2015
  • Rise and Shine Retreat – Germany – June 2015

Yoga Teacher Trainings Facilitator:

  • Lead Training & Facilitator of ” Remember who you are “200 hrs. Yoga Teacher Training- Yoga Alliance Certification / Munich 2019
  • Lead Training & Facilitator of ” Remember who you are “200 hrs. Yoga Teacher Training- Yoga Alliance Certification / Bali 2018
  • Co-Teacher at ‘The Practice” 200 hrs. Yoga Teacher Trainings / Bali  2015 -2017
  • Co -Teacher at ” Fly High ” 50 hrs.Yoga Teacher Trainings / Bali 2017