Lade Veranstaltungen

Come dive with us into the depth of yoga and the magic of Bali!

Join us in beautiful Bali for a life changing, joyful and heart opening journey through the rich landscape of yoga.In this 28 days of intensive Tantric Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training you will build a solid foundation of knowledge about the yoga tradition and learn how to teach confidently at a 200 RYT certification level.

This professional, comprehensive course is an in-depth study of Asana, Pranayama, Mantra, Meditation, Philosophy, Sequencing, Adjustments, Anatomy, Ayurveda and Teaching Practice.

Whether you’re a passionate yogi seeking to deepen your practice or an aspiring teacher, our 200 hour yoga teacher training program will take both your personal development and skills as a facilitator to new heights.

Our Yoga Teacher Training is staged in the rice fields of Ubud, offering the ideal surrounding in nature to be inspired and supported to study, practice & teach the tradition of yoga while absorbing the beauty and spirituality and of Bali. In our training you will not only receive a solid high quality foundation to become a yoga teacher and it may be your next milestone to transform your life to what you really want it to be.

We would love to have you as part of this journey.

Love, Wanda & Friends


This Yoga Teacher Training is much more then just asana! A transformational Yoga Training through the self to the self! 

Dear yogi,

There are thousands of Yoga Teacher Trainings out there. So how do you know if this one is for you? Let me tell you a little bit about me and what you can expect from this training, me my team so that you can decide for yourself.


yes, thats my statement! Why? Because a yoga teacher training is way more then learning about practicing and teaching physical postures, it is the start of a life long journey into yourself. Stepping onto the yogic path is stepping onto the inner path.

It is about learning and studying the self. Studying the layers of who we think we are. Yoga is a way of purification. Purifying what we call the identification with the false self – or our ego. Shedding away our false layers which cause us suffering and prevent us from living a truly happy and fulfilled life.

The purpose of yoga is to uncover more and more the truth of who we truly are.

Most trainings in the west teaching primarily about yoga as a form of asana , physical exercise, which is only a very small fraction of what yoga is about and has to offer to us. Many trainings are building good asana teachers but not good yoga teachers, which is a great difference.

Yoga first of all is a spiritual practice, which is meant to transform our lives and not just doing sweaty exercise in fancy leggins!

Nevertheless quite often our first step onto the yogic path happens through asana. But after a while we might get bored and ask ourselves isnt there more to yoga? Wasnt yoga meant to change my life? Yes it is!  But if we only practice the physical form and dont integrate the philosophy and deeper practices like pranayama, meditation, mantra and  self – awareness, we will only scratch on the surface of yoga, we will not come really far on our path of self exploration.

I spend a lot of time being caught up on the surface identifying myself with my body, with my external layers, you can also can call, my ego which is build upon the external parameter such as my job, my relationships and family. I was looking for validation an confidence outside of myself. With no surprise I never found this in the outside. Cause all the answers and the fulfillment we are looking for lives already inside of us.

Yoga and spirituality today has become everything for me.Yoga is my life and my guidance how to live my life. Yoga is the pilgrimage from the mind to the heart. Yoga helped me to understand who I truly am.  This is the path that i want to share with you.

With participating in this yoga teacher training I will guide you inside and you will step onto you individual inner journey. The path towards your true self.

No matter how old you are, what your gender is, your profession, how many years you practice yoga, I don’t care. I care if you have a sincere willingness to go inside and get to know yourself better. If you feel ready to get honest, raw and step out of your comfort zone and step into the large footprints which ancient yogis have so carefully prepared for us. And then to spread that light you found within with others, to share your passion for yoga with the world.

My focus in the training lays on educating high quality and skillful yoga teachers who understand the deeper purpose of yoga, not to build more exercise teachers. I honor the tradition of why and how yoga was brought to us.

To make it clear, to become strong and flexible in your body, to gain confidence into your own physical abilities and to practice fun asanas will be definitely an important part of this training as our bodies are our ground we build upon.

But our body is not who we are. Through the body only experience a limited form of yoga. Our bodies are limited but our minds are powerful beyond measure. We need to learn how to focus and strengthen the will of our minds, to become the lord of our mind so we can direct our mind into more helpful directions. And as a further step we want to go beyond it to experience the truth of our being.

When you come out of this training my aim for you is, that you will feel clear about the purpose of yoga, you have a better idea of who you truly are. And very practically I wish for you to feel confident in your own practice and to sequence and teach a yoga class by yourself. That you will gained not only a sense about the right physical alignment, but you have a deeper feeling for your personal alignment with yourself.

Me and my team are crew of warm hearted people, who are dedicated and highly qualified full-time yogis. We are here to share our knowledge, experiences and to guide and support you in this process of self – exploration. You can expect from us that we are giving our full hearts and passion into this training and your education.

Above that we are dedicated to live the teachings of yoga not only on the mat but off the mat .Which essentially means we are giving our best to be good people and becoming a channel of love and truth. We base our actions on 6 values that we consider pathways to a new consciousness: Honesty, Self – Responsibiliy, Kindness, Dedication, Service, Beauty.

If all of this is speaking to you. If your heart says YES, follow that! Trust your intuition that you are guided onto the right path.

All you have to do is write me an email and you will get send the application form. For any further questions also feel free to send me and my team an email.

Much Love, Wanda & Team


 Asana ( physical postures )

  • daily practices of various styles Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra
  • Correct Alignment
  • Adjustments & Assist (verbal and hands on)
  • Anatomy and Physiology

Asana Energetics

  • The science of Chakra System
  • The Subtle Bodies
  • Bandha & Mudra
  • Vayus
  • Yoga & Ayurveda

The Breath

  • Prana & Pranayama ( Breath Control )

Meditation & Mindfulness

  • Meditation & Visualization Techniques
  • Mantra recitation & meaning

History of Yoga & Philosophy

  • approaches of the purpose of yoga from the angle of different yoga traditions
  • Mythology – Indian Gods & Goddesses

Live yoga off the mat

  • Conscious Relating ( NVC )
  • How to apply the yogic principles into your everyday life

Health & Nutrition:

  • Ayurveda – the science of living a balanced life

The Art of Teaching Yoga

  • Public Speaking & voice training
  • skillful and smart sequencing
  • Teaching Practice of: Hatha, Vinyasa and special classes: Beginners, Intermediate students, Pregnancy
  • Class Theming

Develop a self-practice

Integration into your everyday of what you have learned in this 1 month training


07:00 –  07:45 am     Meditation, Pranayama & Mantra

07:45 –   08:00 am     Tea & Fruits Break

08:00 –  9:30 am     Asana Practice

9:30 –  11:00 pm     Brunch

11:00 –  02:00 pm     Theory: Yoga Philosophy, Anatomy ect.

02:00 –  03:00 pm      Free Time

04:00 –  05:00 pm      Methodology, Practicum & Public Speaking

05:00 – 6:00 pm      Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra or Restorative

( every Sunday free day )


This statement ” A Yoga Teacher Training is not a Retreat ‘ seams to be clear to many of you reading this, but my experience from the last training was that it might be tempting to think that a Teacher Training is ‘ a walk in the park’ in the surrounding of palm trees and sunshine of Bali. And yes, the special and magical environment of Bali is very supportive for our work and yet Bali very intense too in many ways. Intense why? To study and sit on the floor and dig into yoga philosophy and listen to lectures for hours can be very tiring when its 35 degrees and all you want to do is sleep and lay on the pool. I want to be super clear that a teacher training is not a walk in the park, its hard work. We have usually 11 hour days in order to ” squeeze” the workload of this vast tradition and science of yoga into a 1 month training. 1 month is truly not so much time. I do my very best to make the classes as visually attractive and to ground the new learned knowledge into our bodies by lots of practical exercises, partner work and lighten up the vibe with fun games and mantra chanting, and still the fact is: for a 200 hour certificate there is a lot of knowledge required we simply need to ‘ get done ‘ in this one month. So I want you to become clear if you are willing to study sincerely even when the pool is calling and give your very best.


This is a Hatha and Vinyasa based training.

What is the difference between Hatha & Vinyasa ?

Yes, I know, when we start on the yoga path we are overwhelmed by the various styles of yoga, and we have no clue which one fits to us. Well, I personally think every yoga style can reveal its beauty and transmit the ideas and purpose of yoga, it all depends on how well the teacher understand the purpose of yoga and can be a channel of it.


With Hatha are actually meant all physical forms of the yoga practice. But there is also a style which is called Hatha, or in our case Tantric Hatha which is the most traditional form of yoga, poses are longer held between 1-3 min to to stabilize our minds. It is a less flowy kind of style. Tantric Hatha is aimed get sensitized to our own energy – prana which flows in us as our sustaining life force. In Hatha we give us and our students the opportunity to pause in between the poses to feel the full energetic effect of the pose in the whole energy body.

Mindful Vinyasa:

Is a style which was created from the Ashtanga yoga style. A more flowing style where the ujjai breathe, the deep full yogic breath plays a main role. In Vinyasa we aim to deepen our relationship with the breath and synchronize movement and breath. Vinyasa today is one of the most common yoga styles. Unfortunetley vinyasa these days is taught quite often poorly, too fast, too hectice, unsafe and unskillful with little knowledge about the pose energetics, anatomy and skillful sequencing. It is of great importance for me to teach vinyasa mindfully and in the spirit of the purpose of yoga to bring us closer to our divine nature.

Yoga is not a workout – it is a “work in”.

The same time you will practice and experience the following “styles” of yoga

  • Yin Yiga
  • Restorative Yoga
  • Roll & Release
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Acro Yoga


Bali and especially Ubud is simply beautiful and magic.

The word ‘Ubud’ in the balinese language means ‘medicine or healing’. So its not surprising that for many Ubud is a place to come for healing, study the teachings of yoga or seeking for the deeper meaning of life. Bali is also called ‘the Island of the Gods’ and immediately as you enter this island you feel the unique and strong energetic field of this place. As for the balinese spirituality is their biggest life purpose through their daily offerings and prayers they create a supportive prayer field we are tapping into during our training.

Not only since Julia Robert’s Movie ‘Eat. Pray.Love’, people have been coming to Ubud to experience this charming little village which is situated in lush green jungles with waterfalls, green rice paddies and endless charming vegan and raw food cafes around.


Located just outside Ubud (15 minute walk), The Ananda Cottages provides an elegant balance of secluded peace, convenient accessibility and balinese authenticity. Bali’s natural beauty remains a part of retreat grounds. All the cottages are nestled in the lush gardens and each one has the typical Balinese architecture and décor while haveing all the modern conveniences expected by  international travelers. All rooms are air-conditioned and have exotic garden bathrooms, conveying the essence of the tropics.

There is a high standard restaurant on site, a beautiful pool and jacuzzi to swim in and relax at and  a Spa area where you can get massages and beauty treatments. Other amenities include a library, a tennis court on site, bike rental, laundry service and daily house keeping.

The peaceful yoga studios are located in midst t the beautifully terraced rice fields.


A healthy, delicious, vegetarian ( with vegan options ) brunch buffet is provided and included to all students daily at Ananda Cottages. (excluding Sundays off).

After a morning of meditation and asana amidst the trees, nourish your body with fresh tropical fruits, rich salads, freshly pressed juices, a variety of warm dishes and a team of chefs to serve you eggs any way you desire, ginger tea and local coffee, and so much more.

Take the opportunity during your lunches and evenings to feast your way through the abundance of incredible culinary delights on offer in Ubud. From traditional warung style eats, to an entire collective of raw / vegetarian / vegan / organic offerings, to unrivalled fine dining, the food scene in Ubud is one not to be missed.



Prices :

YYT – Course with Accommodation

Including the 200 hrs. YYT Course, daily vegetarian brunch, accommodation in a double room, airport transfer, manual and yoga alliance certificate. ( excluding flight to Bali )

Early Bird Prices until 08.06.2019

3.290 ( double room ) / 3.890 € ( single room )

Regular Prices after 09.06.2019

3.690 € ( double room ) / 4.290 € ( single room )


YYT – Course without Accommodation

Including the 200 hrs. YYT Course, daily vegetarian brunch, manual and yoga alliance certificate. ( excluding travel costs as flight, taxi and extra nights  to and in Bali )

Early Bird Prices until 08.06.2019

2.790 €

Regular Prices after 09.06.2019

3.190 €


Travel Suggestion: The soul travel slow

As Bali is a 16-20 hours overseas long flight( depending on your flight connection) it is an extremely long and exhausting journey for the body system. In that season its mostly cold for us in germany and in Bali we have 35 degrees and a high humidity, its a big change for the system so please don’t underestimate the travel and the challenge for the body. Which is why I personally suggest to arrive at least 3 days upfront the training or if you can even a week before, to give your whole body – mind – soul being enough time to arrive and adjust to this completely different climate and culture of Bali.

When you arrive in Bali there will be several taxis waiting for you, depending on where you want to go the price depends, usually speaking its about 300-500 k ( Indosian Rupiah) to Ubud. You can always bargain. It will be a 90min to-2 hours dive to Ubud from the Airport Denpasar depending on the traffic. The balinese people are very friendly and its completely safe to travel with one of the taxi divers.


200 hrs. Yoga Teacher Training  with Manual

Yoga Alliance Certificate

Daily Brunch (inklusive Sundays)

3 free Sundays off

Unlimited Drinking water

Goodie Bag

Final Group Dinner


Special Events:

Water Temple Visit


Movie Nights


How many participants will be in the training?

At this moment, I am taking on a maximum of 24 participants in order to be able to respond individually to each individual student and to keep the group manageable and intimate.

Please note that the course can only take place on a minimum group number of 12 people. Thank you so much for your understanding.

Participating prerequisites: 

  • To be clear about the fact that a 200 Yoga Teacher Training is not a Retreat
  • be aware that our study days will have a daily 10 hour schedule (including 2 hrs. breaks)
  • a regular yoga practice of at least 2 years
  • dedication and passion for the path of yoga
  • interest in the deeper study of the yoga tradition
  • the serious desire to develop and work on oneself
  • to reflect and question one’s own behaviors and habits
  • the willingness to test your own limits and to expand the comfort zone
  • openness and curiosity to get to know and understand yourself and others better
  • the willingness to study hard and become a sincere yoga teacher



1.  Write me a short email using the form below and I will send you the application form.

2.  Complete the application form and email it back to:

3.  Wanda will review the application and let you know you have been accepted for the course.

4.  You will be directed to pay the Deposit.

5.  You will pay the balance of the Yoga Teacher Training Bali Course Fees prior to the start of the Course.


Further Informations

  • The main teaching language will be in English but there will be always the possibility to translate specific vocabulary live in class.
  • Every Sunday will be a free day to rest and integrate.
  • For all further questions and details about the Venue, Logistics, and General Information please write to us.
*Space is limited and acceptance is by application only.
1000 Euro Deposit is due upon acceptance of application.
Deposits are non-refundable, non-transferable, and are part of the overall tuition.
For the standard rate, the full payment is due 6 weeks prior to the training commencement (see date above). The balance of payment in cash on date of arrival is also possible. 

Safe your early bird spot here:


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